a blog from yesterday
so i wrote a blog and it didnt work so im redoing it.
today was an all together interesting day.
geometry was more boring than usual. we started slope and i HATE slope.
in ceramics we continued making our shoe, which is boring. its not artistic, just shoe. but i pitched my idea for the final project. im going to do a tree with multiple planes and people on it.
in german we had a test so i finished all my homework so i could make it to the revival.
but the real fun happened in lanugage and composition. i got in and Bishoff screamed something at me, not because he was mad, just because hes Mr Bischoff. i was the second person to class. the only other person was Danny so i said hi and sat all the way in the back where my seat usually is. the third person to come in was Brianna (the black girl who sit s in front of me whos NOT pregnant). she looked really bad and she was holding her stomach. on the way over she grabbed the trash can and brought it to her desk. she said that she felt like she was gonna die and that she would try to not throw up all over me. people began to file in and Debrisha (the black girl who sits next to me who IS pregnant[with her second child]) sat down next to me and saw thatBrianna wasw hurting and she said "tschaa want a mautrin?" and Brianna managed a "tshyaa" (meaning yes). well Bish came in from being teacherry out in the hall and screamed A4!!! (the class period) that woke some people up. he started talking about Tulemans theory on Arguement. since its the first day of the second quarter we began arguement and rhetoric and abandoned STOLLIDD and style. this is how tulemans theory works claims support data. claims are your reasons for your side of the arguement. in the arguement 'mom give me the car tonight, you can trust me,' you can trust me is the claim and give me the car is the data. at this time Brianna asked to go to the bathroom. when she stood up sht help up the garbage can nad said "can i take this with me?" bish said yes. supporting your calims are your warrants. according to the theory an arguement is only as strong as its weakest warrent. there is NO such thing as a weak warrant because you can make any warrant srtong. here are the warrants for the car arguement 1 ive never broken the trust, 2i wont do anything stupid, 3 ill bring the car back in one piece and on time, 4 you trust me anyway. number four is the weakest. so you would make it strong be using backs. saying ive proven my trust &c. Brianna came back. we began analyzing the uniform arguement. Bish used the word constitutionawiseliskedly and said that he thought this class made him dumber. he acted really stupid for a while and began humming. than he got up and drew a squiggle on the board. on the higest point in the squiggle he added a face and legs. he said that it looked like a demented octapus. then he said "yknow what kind of octapus it is??" we all just sat there and looked at him like he was an idiot. and he screamed "its EDIPUS!!!!!!" and he drew streams of blood flowing out of his eyes. for those of you who dont know edipus was some greek guy who was supposedly destined to do something very wrong and so he ran away but he ended up doing it anyway so he gouged his eyes out and rotted in a trench for all eternity. anyway, i laughed so hard i cried. it was really random.
the revival was amazing. mor amazing than usual. im not going to be able to say much about that though... i thought that it would turn my WHOLE world around, includint the worlds around it. but not. the worlds i expected to really change didnt do ANYTHING! ugh.
well i have to go do my chem lab...
today was an all together interesting day.
geometry was more boring than usual. we started slope and i HATE slope.
in ceramics we continued making our shoe, which is boring. its not artistic, just shoe. but i pitched my idea for the final project. im going to do a tree with multiple planes and people on it.
in german we had a test so i finished all my homework so i could make it to the revival.
but the real fun happened in lanugage and composition. i got in and Bishoff screamed something at me, not because he was mad, just because hes Mr Bischoff. i was the second person to class. the only other person was Danny so i said hi and sat all the way in the back where my seat usually is. the third person to come in was Brianna (the black girl who sit s in front of me whos NOT pregnant). she looked really bad and she was holding her stomach. on the way over she grabbed the trash can and brought it to her desk. she said that she felt like she was gonna die and that she would try to not throw up all over me. people began to file in and Debrisha (the black girl who sits next to me who IS pregnant[with her second child]) sat down next to me and saw thatBrianna wasw hurting and she said "tschaa want a mautrin?" and Brianna managed a "tshyaa" (meaning yes). well Bish came in from being teacherry out in the hall and screamed A4!!! (the class period) that woke some people up. he started talking about Tulemans theory on Arguement. since its the first day of the second quarter we began arguement and rhetoric and abandoned STOLLIDD and style. this is how tulemans theory works claims support data. claims are your reasons for your side of the arguement. in the arguement 'mom give me the car tonight, you can trust me,' you can trust me is the claim and give me the car is the data. at this time Brianna asked to go to the bathroom. when she stood up sht help up the garbage can nad said "can i take this with me?" bish said yes. supporting your calims are your warrants. according to the theory an arguement is only as strong as its weakest warrent. there is NO such thing as a weak warrant because you can make any warrant srtong. here are the warrants for the car arguement 1 ive never broken the trust, 2i wont do anything stupid, 3 ill bring the car back in one piece and on time, 4 you trust me anyway. number four is the weakest. so you would make it strong be using backs. saying ive proven my trust &c. Brianna came back. we began analyzing the uniform arguement. Bish used the word constitutionawiseliskedly and said that he thought this class made him dumber. he acted really stupid for a while and began humming. than he got up and drew a squiggle on the board. on the higest point in the squiggle he added a face and legs. he said that it looked like a demented octapus. then he said "yknow what kind of octapus it is??" we all just sat there and looked at him like he was an idiot. and he screamed "its EDIPUS!!!!!!" and he drew streams of blood flowing out of his eyes. for those of you who dont know edipus was some greek guy who was supposedly destined to do something very wrong and so he ran away but he ended up doing it anyway so he gouged his eyes out and rotted in a trench for all eternity. anyway, i laughed so hard i cried. it was really random.
the revival was amazing. mor amazing than usual. im not going to be able to say much about that though... i thought that it would turn my WHOLE world around, includint the worlds around it. but not. the worlds i expected to really change didnt do ANYTHING! ugh.
well i have to go do my chem lab...
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