so... i feel like crap right now. to start off Grandma Doris is dead. thats depressing enough. well i have piano on tuesday and i have no clue whatsoever how to play these chords, i didnt do any of my theory, and i can only play half of gershwin. and i really want to practice but my family will not shut up. mom screams things to everyone no matter where they are. and she wont ever wait to say something until ive stopped playing. so i have to stop constantly. dad incessantly tells me how bad i sound and that i should play it from the 'real beginning' EvEN THOUGH i have to only learn the second movement. robbie is bouncing that stupid ball and making stupid sound effects. jenny is screaming at robbie in a terrible high-pitched voice. i have a test on ethical terms on tuesday too. i barely know any of them and there are FIFTY SEVEN all together. and i dont get a word bank. were gona have a new german teacher which will be really nice, but i cant do homework then anymore.
i found new meaning in defying gravity which apparently completely parallels my life. while im thinking about that branch of my life, theres a person who i think is mental patient insane, not just stupid like i thought before. and im worring for the preson that the other person is chacing. (im trying to not give away genders) oh and, without saying too much, someone close to me did something VERY stupid today. it was also a VERY hypocritical thing to do. and i feel like slaughtering that person right now.
i no longer like the word kill. it sounds nice, euphonius. it has a frictive at the beginning, but ends on a hold which makes it sound almost pleasing to listen to. slaughter on the other hand: S is a fircitave-hold LAU is a middle hold, which is dramatic and can sound really creepy if you say it right. T is a frictive. TER all together is a plosive, and therefore R is a stop. theres nothing euphonius about slaughter. its one of the most cocoffinous words ive ever cared enought to think about.
i found new meaning in defying gravity which apparently completely parallels my life. while im thinking about that branch of my life, theres a person who i think is mental patient insane, not just stupid like i thought before. and im worring for the preson that the other person is chacing. (im trying to not give away genders) oh and, without saying too much, someone close to me did something VERY stupid today. it was also a VERY hypocritical thing to do. and i feel like slaughtering that person right now.
i no longer like the word kill. it sounds nice, euphonius. it has a frictive at the beginning, but ends on a hold which makes it sound almost pleasing to listen to. slaughter on the other hand: S is a fircitave-hold LAU is a middle hold, which is dramatic and can sound really creepy if you say it right. T is a frictive. TER all together is a plosive, and therefore R is a stop. theres nothing euphonius about slaughter. its one of the most cocoffinous words ive ever cared enought to think about.
you sound a little upset...sorry to hear about grandma doris...i'll have to send lynn a card or something. I can't believe charles got you to play that stupid game.
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