Tuesday, October 31, 2006


so today was halloween... i dont like halloween at all. but at my school its a bit different. people dont dress up like ghosts and crap like that, but they dress up like a different clique or stereotype. and if you done dress up you have to wear uniforms. so i dressed as preppy. i had a great time. me and my friend Drea were preppy together and we got a whole tom of comments. my friend Jasse straightened his hair, Randy wore eyeliner, and my entire group of people i normally eat lunch with dressed as joggers and wore super small shorts and really tight, colorful shirts. it was hilarious.
today was the first teaching day of our new german teacher. he is AMAZING. he knows how to teach AND speak german and hes the most normal of all the teachers ive ever had. but not really... he wears his hair in a preppy moahawk, he spikes it to a general moahawk-y point. hes the lead singer in a rock band, he plays drums in another rock band, and he can rap in german. he wanted to get a picture with me at the end of class, but i had to go to Bischoff early. there is a downside to him though. all the girls are drooling over him. they think hes completely georgeous. and he has everyones complete attention. when he says shut up the whole class doesnt say a thing. the complete opposite of gessel. another problem with him: all the outgoing girls flirt with him constantly. and it almost seems like he flirts back... its kinda creepy.
while im talking about it.... IM PASSING GERMAN!!!!! im so excited about that! i had a 49 until just today when i has a 63. still not passing, but then he updated AGAIN and i had a 73. IM PASSING!!!!!
ending on a happy note--

Sunday, October 29, 2006


so... i feel like crap right now. to start off Grandma Doris is dead. thats depressing enough. well i have piano on tuesday and i have no clue whatsoever how to play these chords, i didnt do any of my theory, and i can only play half of gershwin. and i really want to practice but my family will not shut up. mom screams things to everyone no matter where they are. and she wont ever wait to say something until ive stopped playing. so i have to stop constantly. dad incessantly tells me how bad i sound and that i should play it from the 'real beginning' EvEN THOUGH i have to only learn the second movement. robbie is bouncing that stupid ball and making stupid sound effects. jenny is screaming at robbie in a terrible high-pitched voice. i have a test on ethical terms on tuesday too. i barely know any of them and there are FIFTY SEVEN all together. and i dont get a word bank. were gona have a new german teacher which will be really nice, but i cant do homework then anymore.
i found new meaning in defying gravity which apparently completely parallels my life. while im thinking about that branch of my life, theres a person who i think is mental patient insane, not just stupid like i thought before. and im worring for the preson that the other person is chacing. (im trying to not give away genders) oh and, without saying too much, someone close to me did something VERY stupid today. it was also a VERY hypocritical thing to do. and i feel like slaughtering that person right now.
i no longer like the word kill. it sounds nice, euphonius. it has a frictive at the beginning, but ends on a hold which makes it sound almost pleasing to listen to. slaughter on the other hand: S is a fircitave-hold LAU is a middle hold, which is dramatic and can sound really creepy if you say it right. T is a frictive. TER all together is a plosive, and therefore R is a stop. theres nothing euphonius about slaughter. its one of the most cocoffinous words ive ever cared enought to think about.



Saturday, October 28, 2006

when i am laid in earth

im really depressed right now. we just had to leave a teen activity because Grandma Doris is dying and we had to help the Nelsons get the house ready for the people who want to be with her when she dies. i was having a great time, i love the lodge, but i feel so bad about Grandma Doris. shes not actually my grandma but she still means a lot to me. shes 97 i think but its still so hard to loose someone. i feel so bad for Lynn. i made jenny hug her multiple times for me.
the activity was fun tho. i played risk with Charles most of the time. i was winning until we had to leave. so was Lynn. the leading forces were me, Lynn, and Charles. it was such a good time. i feel bad though, i set Hannah lose on poor Rachel. Hannah was being hyper and kinda scary so i sent her over to Rachel. UGH im so depressed. well im going to probably sit here and feel bad for the nelsons until at least the teen activity is offically over. maybe ill call charles. my music is making me feel better. heres a tip: when youre depressed Dido and Anesas is NOT for you. ill say goodbye with some lyrics.

when i am laid
am laid in earth
may my wrongs create
no trouble
no trouble in thy rest.
when i am laid
am laid in earth
may my wrongs create
no trouble
no trouble in thy rest
remember me!
remember me!
but, ahh, forget my fate!
remember me!!
but ,ahh, forget my fate!

when i am gone, lay me to rest.
[look my child to the whitest horses]
forgive me my wrongs, but remember the rest!
[look my child, to the way my voice is]


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ghetto Fab Chem Lab

this lab is so stupid. and i have NO CLUE what im doing!!!!!! i need some tea or something......
today was mostly just stupid. chem wasnt bad actually... just the homework. world was facinating about Africa today, much better than islam. band was stupid we started getting christmas songs and i hate the vibes... music theory was fun. no Becca tho... she got suspended so shes not allowed 100 feet from any school district administration. yeah, she ripped a poster down at east and then put it back up again and then ripped it down again and put it back up again. she was making a joke, but they said it was vandilism. so in her language arts class the police came and arrested her. so now shes suspended for the next day or so.
jenny is making me REALLY mad. i noticed that she was wearing all black and looked evil and like she was going to kill someone so i said "all black huh?" and she screamed this terrible high pitched scream and said STOP IT!!! i think theres something going on with all the black and evil crap......
well i have to go finish my STUPID CHEMISTRY!!!!!


a blog from yesterday

so i wrote a blog and it didnt work so im redoing it.

today was an all together interesting day.
geometry was more boring than usual. we started slope and i HATE slope.
in ceramics we continued making our shoe, which is boring. its not artistic, just shoe. but i pitched my idea for the final project. im going to do a tree with multiple planes and people on it.
in german we had a test so i finished all my homework so i could make it to the revival.
but the real fun happened in lanugage and composition. i got in and Bishoff screamed something at me, not because he was mad, just because hes Mr Bischoff. i was the second person to class. the only other person was Danny so i said hi and sat all the way in the back where my seat usually is. the third person to come in was Brianna (the black girl who sit s in front of me whos NOT pregnant). she looked really bad and she was holding her stomach. on the way over she grabbed the trash can and brought it to her desk. she said that she felt like she was gonna die and that she would try to not throw up all over me. people began to file in and Debrisha (the black girl who sits next to me who IS pregnant[with her second child]) sat down next to me and saw thatBrianna wasw hurting and she said "tschaa want a mautrin?" and Brianna managed a "tshyaa" (meaning yes). well Bish came in from being teacherry out in the hall and screamed A4!!! (the class period) that woke some people up. he started talking about Tulemans theory on Arguement. since its the first day of the second quarter we began arguement and rhetoric and abandoned STOLLIDD and style. this is how tulemans theory works claims support data. claims are your reasons for your side of the arguement. in the arguement 'mom give me the car tonight, you can trust me,' you can trust me is the claim and give me the car is the data. at this time Brianna asked to go to the bathroom. when she stood up sht help up the garbage can nad said "can i take this with me?" bish said yes. supporting your calims are your warrants. according to the theory an arguement is only as strong as its weakest warrent. there is NO such thing as a weak warrant because you can make any warrant srtong. here are the warrants for the car arguement 1 ive never broken the trust, 2i wont do anything stupid, 3 ill bring the car back in one piece and on time, 4 you trust me anyway. number four is the weakest. so you would make it strong be using backs. saying ive proven my trust &c. Brianna came back. we began analyzing the uniform arguement. Bish used the word constitutionawiseliskedly and said that he thought this class made him dumber. he acted really stupid for a while and began humming. than he got up and drew a squiggle on the board. on the higest point in the squiggle he added a face and legs. he said that it looked like a demented octapus. then he said "yknow what kind of octapus it is??" we all just sat there and looked at him like he was an idiot. and he screamed "its EDIPUS!!!!!!" and he drew streams of blood flowing out of his eyes. for those of you who dont know edipus was some greek guy who was supposedly destined to do something very wrong and so he ran away but he ended up doing it anyway so he gouged his eyes out and rotted in a trench for all eternity. anyway, i laughed so hard i cried. it was really random.
the revival was amazing. mor amazing than usual. im not going to be able to say much about that though... i thought that it would turn my WHOLE world around, includint the worlds around it. but not. the worlds i expected to really change didnt do ANYTHING! ugh.
well i have to go do my chem lab...


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

woohoo. (that was energetic)

woohoo. (that was energetic.)
today was another day of the revival and it was amazing. God punched me in the face REALLY hard and i needed it. the music was awesome, and mom joined us today! isnt that amazing?? she actually came and didnt complain the whole way home. and i really wanted to buy a cd but i only had seven dollars. well then the price was lowered and mom offered to pay for what i didnt have!! so i bought Press On by the wilds. im listening to it now and it is really good music.
i had my chemistry test today and it was really easy, which surprised me. im pretty sure i did well. in world history we talked about smoking and islam. Lasher has really strong views against smoking. and islam was actually interesting today. it wasnt about the riligion, but about the empire and the gunpowder empires. that was interesting. i got a ONE HUNDRED on my sight singing evaluation! that is completely amazing to me. she even picked the one that i didnt think i could ever do without something in the background. it had a jump of a fourth which isnt very strong in the harmonic series, so its harder for me to sing. but i did it!!
APPARENTLY Adrienne and Shannon think that me and Noelle like eachother because we were having a conversation. they were puting their hands on their cheeks which i guess means 'aww'. so they made fun of us from up in the chorus. Oleg thought that they were motioning at him and he was all confused. well im going to go and do whatever it was i was just doing...


Sunday, October 22, 2006

mostly catholocism and Bible figures

so its 9 30 and my entire family is sleeping. well my mom and dad are in bed watching desperate housewives which counts as sleeping for me... and im impatiently waiting for Adrienne to get on IM. Grace is on and so is Will but i havent started talking to them yet. i probably will do that soon.

i just had to read this incredably stupid essay by some arabic guy called the cancer cluster myth. the point of the essay was that atil thought that some lady in moxville was stupid because her child had cancer. the lady proceeded to go from door to door a mile around her house only to find that fourty two other people in the neighborhood had the same type of cancer. well she called up some people and made a big deal out of it. there was a 25% more chance than expected that all those people would all have the same cancer. WELL aparently twenty fiver percent isnt good enough for atil. and it takes seven thousand times more than expected to be more than just dumb luck. it was a waste of time to have to anylize.

i really want to go to the revival this week. i really need it. BUT i have parents who dont want me going. im going to somehow get there... i keep telling myself that. my parents are really crazy about stuff like that. ON THE SUBJECT of crazy parents::: i had to go to mass this morning. and i came up with a stereotype for catholocs. in a catholoc school you either fit in or you dont. that is common knowledge. if you arent in than everyone hates you. in the place i used to go, if you were a girl you had to look, act, and dress like you had slept with every person in the neighborhood and the guys all had to look like they were the most ghetto fabulous thing on the planet. it takes away from all individuality. you cant be yourself if youre trying to be someone else. and being like that makes you laughed at by people who dont act or dress or whatever like people in a catholoc school. at my amazing public school which i love very much (most of the time) people can be whatever style, clique, or personality they want and nobody hates them for it. that is what makes a group a whole. being able to accept people for who they are, not accepting people for being just like you. THAT is why i hate mercyhurst's slogan:: where individuality comes together. its true. they will take your individuality and tear it into shreds and make you the ditzy, feminine person that they want you to be. ugh.

its 9 40 now and Adrienne still isnt on. i wonder what Esther looked like. she must have been beautiful. when im in heaven i want to se what she looked like. i think she had dark hair, and very striking brown eyes, tanish skin, a timid smile, a lithe figure, and probably a very skinny waist. i love rambling. i wonder what she would look like if she lived today. probably just as beautiful. Esther is a nice name too.

Job is another one of my favorites. i think he wasnt as beautiful and more just all around nice. i think he had a few pounds on him, a warm smile, strong arms, and a bald head. rather than being just beauty he was probably nice to look at in a totally different way. like when you look at someone and say he looks like such a nice guy. people probably liked him a whole lot.

and then there are Jobs three friends. Zophar, Balidad, and Naamathite. i think that one was good looking, one smart, and one social. i dont know which is which though. but what i like about them is that they sat with their friend for three entire days in silence. just because he needed them. they were very loyal friends. i like to think about who would do that for me. and who would be the one that would knock on the door and say i heard youre having a tough time, i thought id drop off some dinner. and maybe lurk around in the background for a while. i think that one of the three that would sit in silence with me wouldnt be one of my best friends, but someone who was simply willing to be with me. but i would definately hope im never in Jobs shoes to have to find out.

well its 9 50 and im kinda tired. being sunday night i have to get up early tomorrow and go to school. geometry first period. its always a battle to stay awake in that class. and i think ive rambled enough. goodnight. unless, of course, youre reading this in the morning. or the afternoon. in that case good morning, or good afternoon. or whatever, i think you get the picture.


Friday, October 20, 2006

stupid rambling of my first blog

um... hi. is this thing on?? (i sound like a bad comedian) im kinda new to this whole blogging thing so im just going to ramble. thats really all you can expect from this. my life is fairly boring seeing how its friday night and im not actually doing anything. im supposed to be at the zooboo helping my friend try to be a troll. more like laughing at her... anyhow, today was wierd as usual. in chemistry we had to watch a movie set up like a game show and participate. this black lady would say something stupid about chemistry and we would have to answer. rinke kept score. my team won. i think its really sad that i am one of the smartest people in chem. my class is doomed. well we got chocolate bars for being so smart. earlier my ceramics teacher banned me from continuing my project. he said that if i added more it would blow up. so i guess im happy since i finished it. its got eleven people on it all together. thats a lot. it took tom the same amount of time for my friend Tom to do one so im proud of myself, of course Toms one person happened to be mario and mine were facless and handless and supposedly supposed to convey emotion only with their bodies. (see im rambling) right now mom is in a quilt shop in buffalo. once a year she goes and stays for a couple of nights in a barnfull of fabric and quilts with all her friends. her friends are mostly fifty to eighty and weigh, on average, four hundred pounds. theyre nice people tho. i obviously ran out of things to talk about a while ago. the only reason i really created this blog thing is because i felt left out. and i wanted to comment my friends' blogs. well im tired and im probably going to go to bed soon. ttyl.
