
so today was halloween... i dont like halloween at all. but at my school its a bit different. people dont dress up like ghosts and crap like that, but they dress up like a different clique or stereotype. and if you done dress up you have to wear uniforms. so i dressed as preppy. i had a great time. me and my friend Drea were preppy together and we got a whole tom of comments. my friend Jasse straightened his hair, Randy wore eyeliner,

today was the first teaching day of our new german teacher. he is AMAZING. he knows how to teach AND speak german and hes the most normal of all the teachers ive ever had. but not really... he wears his hair in a preppy moahawk, he spikes it to a general moahawk-y point. hes the lead singer in a rock band, he plays drums in another rock band, and he can rap in german. he wanted to get a picture with me at

while im talking about it.... IM PASSING GERMAN!!!!! im so excited about that! i had a 49 until just today when i has a 63. still not passing, but then he updated AGAIN and i had a 73. IM PASSING!!!!!
ending on a happy note--
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